More than #106 New Investors applications collected from Yeirgalem Integrated Agriculture Industry Park Investment Forum

The investment promotion event of Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industry park held on October 29/2022 @Haile Resort in Hawassa City.

The Sidama National Regional Government President H/E Desta Ledamo, led the forum and delivered his message, as that the regional government is paying attention to the use and development of the region’ s agro potential and natural resources.
H/E Desta Ledamo strongly messaged and called investors to come on time to use the Yirgalem integrated agricultural industry park opportunity.

According to Federal Industry Minister Ato Melaku Alebel, the government is supporting agro-industries parks believing that the manufacturing industry sector will ensure sustainable development.
As part of the program, the Sidama National Regional Government president H/E Desta Ledamo and the Minister of Industry H/E Melaku Alebel inaugurated the exhibition.

On the event more than 700 participants from the federal and regional high officials and the anchor investors like Midroc, BK and others prominent Domestic investors were attended.
Finally, from this event more than 106 new applicant investors showed their interest to invest in Yirgalem IAIP. The event was successful more than expected. Thanks to Ministry of Industry, UNIDO and AFDB for their unreserved technical and financial support in this forum.