The AFDB- Yirgalem Integrated Agro-Industrial Park Support Project’s mid-term review were Conducted by stakeholders

It was known that in 2019, the Government of Ethiopia was commenced a project that support the development of Integrated Agro Industrial Parks (IAIPs) SP project by coordinating many other Development Partners to enhance a much-desired goals; specially to create jobs, to boost export shares, to attract quality investment, to enhance production and productivity, to accelerate technological learning and to strengthen the linkage among industries and to provide effective support to the private sector.
The primary purpose of this review is to understand and learn lessons from the implementation process and to see what worked best and what did not work so well.
The project’s stakeholders carried out together the midterm term evaluation with EU, UNIDO, Ministry of Industry and Sidama IPDC as well as with external consultant along the stated goals of the project.

According to the evaluation result, the SIPDC had been working hard especially on value chain integration, food safety and quality system setup, skill development in terms of TVETs capacity building and agro processing skill enhancement in ACPZs, as well as the capacity development in terms of agro-industry management and agribusiness in general.

According to the Corporation’s CEO, Mr Memiru Moke’s Statement, this project helped the SIPDC much more to foster the given responsibility and duties by fulfilling the financial gaps that the corporation faced.

The stakeholders also evaluated the Park’s infrastructure development in details. Currently, the first phase of Yirgalem Park Waste Water Treatment Plant started the construction by the support of European Union fund, it was the part of this project initially hasn’t the budget.
According to the stakeholders’ evaluation, overall all Sidama IPDC achieved the best performances on the donor’s funded project management and currently the Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industry Park is in good progress with comparing other similar IAIPs.