The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation /AICS/ delegates visited the Yirgalem IAIP
The delegation team composed of
1. Mr.Pierpaolo Begamini, team leader of economic development and Job creation
2. Mr. Riccardo Zucconi, Trade Commissioner of the promotion section of the Italian embassy
3. Ms. Isabella Lucaferri, Head of AICS Addis Ababa Office.


The aim of the visit is to evaluate the status of the Yirgalem IAIP and identifying the intervention areas for the project.
The AICS project is currently working in Sidama Region with Agricultural and Natural Resources development Bureau by supporting the development of avocado and pineapple value chain.
The project is also planned to support the Yirgalem IAIP especially on food safety and traceability activities by establishing central food laboratory within in the park.

Today on August 31, 2023, the project’s team visited the park and processing companies like Hebron coffee processing and YBM avocado processing company. The SIPDC Business Development and Communication Director Mr. Petros Markos presented the current status of the park development and recommended the intervention areas for the project.
Finally, the delegation team identified the gaps and are very happy seeing the progressive status of the park development and agreed to support the aforementioned bottlenecks.