
ቁልፍ ትኩረት

ቡልቡላ የተ.ኣ.ኢ.ፓ ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩት የኢንቨስትመንት መስህቦች ኣሉት፤

    • Processing of agro value chains including fruits and vegetables, dairy. honey and poultry, among others.
    • Fishery potential, Koka dam, Rift Valley Lakes (Zeway, Langano).
    • Concentration of dairy farms, abattoirs.
    • Availability of two operational sugar plantations.
    • Bulk farming and products available for the value chains of wheat, barley, coffee and spices, haricot bean, fava bean, tomato, potato, fruits, vegetables, dairy, fish, poultry and honey
    • ጥራት ያለው የእርሻ ጥሬ እቃ ማቅረብ የሚችሉ 6 የገጠር የሽግግር ማእከላት መኖራቸው
    • Availability of ample skilled and semi-skilled labor force
    • የተሟላ የፓርኩ መሰረተልማት
በቡልቡላ ኢንቨስት አድርጉ

Hello, welcome to Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park, we are the first choice for Asian, European and American foreign investors to invest in Bulbula IAIP…

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