
The Sidama Industrial Parks Development Corporation has signed a construction contract to build a rural transformation center in Aleta Wondo district, at Gowadamo Kebele

The Corporation has signed Jan 18/2023GC, the construction contract with Tesfaye Tsagaye General Building Contractor, and the Rural Transformation Center is one of the 3 centers in the Sidaama region that have been studied under Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industry Park.(YIAIP)

Specially named Chawete at Gowadamo kebele total area of Rural Transformation Center is 11 hectares, and a fence has been built around the center and completed.

Now, the projects selected for construction are 3500 sq/m and 1500sq/m sheds and the main entrance gate.

The source of funds for the construction of the project is 197,583,883 Birr from the Sustainable Development Project, and the construction is expected to be completed within 9 months.
