Sweet Success: How a Small Honey Processing Firm Found Big Success through Agro Industry Solutions

Getu Haile is a honey farmer from the town of Mejo in the Harororesa area of the Sidama region. In 2021, Mr. Haile invested in the Yirgalem integrated agro-industrial park. He moved into a 1,500 square meter processing shed where he set up his processing machines. Today, the processing Centre is managed by his daughter, Kalkidan Getu.

Ms. Kalkidan Getu explained that the company had previously tried working in agricultural clusters, but the services available at the park are superior. The international exposure has also benefitted the business.  The company employs 64 permanent staff and 12 temporary staff. It sources its honey from 67 apiculture associations around the region.

The manufacturing facility collects between 230,000 and 250,000 kg of honey on an annual basis, of which 85 per cent is processed pure natural honey and sold domestically. Mr. Getu notes that he expects revenues to be about 10 million ETB in 2022 (the equivalent of USD 185,500).

With a new line of credit in late 2022, Ms. Kalkidan Getu explains that the company plans to purchase additional processing machines and double production to roughly 500,000 kg per annum. The production increase will not only create more employment in the factory, but will have a knock-on effect for honey producers in the region.