WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY']
INSERT INTO `wpks_actionscheduler_logs` (`action_id`, `message`, `log_date_gmt`, `log_date_local`) VALUES (3021470, 'action created', '2025-03-03 17:47:03', '2025-03-03 17:47:03')

Good Agricultural Practices Training for Trainers has been effectively conducted by UNIDO - IAIP

Good Agricultural Practices Training for Trainers has been effectively conducted by UNIDO

The Operationalization and Sustainability of Integrated Agro Industrial Parks in Ethiopia Project – funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Ethiopia has successfully concluded a five-day Train-the-Trainers (TOT) program on Good Agricultural practices for Extension Officers and Producers of Fruit and Vegetables (Avocado, Pineapple and Tomato) from 18-22 December 2023 in Adama with an objective to build the capacity of Master Trainers form regional implementing partners

UNIDO has successfully delivered Training of Trainers on Good Agricultural Practices. Extension officers from Sidama and Oromia regions of relevant institutions received hands-on ToTs on Good Agricultural Practices for fruit and vegetables particularly on avocado, pineapple, and tomato. It was held in Adama from December 18-22, 2023, with the participation of twelve experts out of which two of them are female from Regional Bureau of Agriculture, Agriculture Transformation Institutes, RIPDCs and IAIPs so that they could be able to cascade for extension officers and/or model farmers as well as cooperative unions.

The purpose of this training was to equip the Master Trainers on how to improve good agricultural practices and enhance the understanding of GAP principles, practical skills to assist the implementation of Good agriculture practices (GAP), build skills in safe pesticide use, better irrigation system, and follow GAP godliness and relevant standard operating procedures in the selected value chains and cascading the training for the final beneficiaries (extension workers, farmers, farmer groups, SME) in their respective regions. The trainees also developed a cascading plan for awareness creation at each region ensuring successful sourcing of safe inputs to the relevant IAIPs and/RTCs.

Master Trainers agreed to cascade the training to the required number of farmers in the first in 2024. An action plan was designed in order to cascade the knowledge to relevant value chain actors including extension professionals, relevant farmers and cooperative unions. These value chain actors will contribute potential source of traceable and safe raw material with better quality for the IAIPs and/or RTCs coupled with other relevant support practices.

The trainees also highlighted the need to establish demonstration farms and strengthen farmer access to capacity building to change attitudes on GAPs. The interactive 5-day training equipped the Master Trainers with hands-on support to farmers on soil, water, and biodiversity conservation, safe use of agrochemicals and biological alternatives, waste and pollution management, and post-harvest handling and storage.

The Master Trainers will establish pilot GAP demo farms and roll out customizable training via classroom theoretical sessions and field visits. Expanding GAP is expected to enhance productivity, product quality, and access to local and international markets for Ethiopian fruits and vegetables products to be processed in the IAIPs and/or after sorted out in the RTCs.

The success of this program is a testament to the commitment of UNIDO and AICS to promoting sustainable development through innovative and practical solutions. By investing in the education and training of trainers. They are building the capacity of communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, thereby contributing to a more resilient and prosperous future.

The participants expressed their deep appreciation for the hands-on training that enabled them to contribute in making awareness creation for the relevant value chain actors in their respective regions. By doing so, they stated that they would play important role in improvement of good agricultural practices of the identified commodities (Fruit and Vegetables (Avocado, Pineapple and Tomato) commodities so that the RTCs and/or IAIPs could source traceable, safe raw materials with better quality.