The IAIP-SP annual Project implementation progress review and preparation of Annual work plan is being held in Adama.

The IAIPSP project progress review and EFY 2016 annual plan workshop began on May 24, 2023. The workshop is being led by coordinators from MOI, UNIDO, and RIPDCs and attended by CEOs from RIPDCs, aiming to improve project management effectiveness.

The Integrated Agro Industry Park Support Project is a timely initiative that presents a massive opportunity for industrial and agricultural development in the country says HE Mr.Hassen, State Minister ministry of Industry.

The project is designed to promote sustainable industrial development and agricultural transformation. This means that it aims to create an ecosystem where agriculture and industry complement each other, leading to increased productivity, job creation, and economic growth.

The government, regional institutions, and development partners are working together to ensure the success of this project. This level of collaboration is essential as it helps to ensure that the project is implemented efficiently and effectively.

The Integrated Agro Industry Park Support Project is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of people living in the project areas. The project will create job opportunities, improve access to markets, and enhance agricultural productivity, leading to better livelihoods for many people.

But says the UNIDO NPC of the Project Mr. Olijira the success of this project will depend on various factors, including effective park management, making an assessment on investors signed agreement, but not yet started activities, turnover of park managers, adapting to change, fund absorption, and community involvement. It is therefore crucial for all stakeholders to work together and ensure that the project is implemented successfully.

According to the CEOs of the three IPDCs during the discussion moderated by HE Mr. Hassen, even though investor interest in the agro parks is occasionally high, it is being hampered for a variety of reasons, including the need for a waste treatment plant for the full operation of the agro parks, retention of attracted investment, and a power station for investment projects in Bure.

His Excellency make the official opening of the planning session giving a way forward on minimizing the bureaucracy in handling investors registration, budget absorption capacity of IPDCs, attracting anchor investors with a discussion on foreign embassy attaches, exploring additional funds like Korean Exim Bank, sourcing additional fund for the power issue on Bure IAIP, introduction of financial tools like CCF to farmers, backward & forward linkage of the agro commodities, and FOREX issue.

The planning session workshop will continue until Friday and as the project progresses, it will be important to monitor its impact on the environment and ensure that it is sustainable in the long run. This will involve implementing measures to mitigate any negative environmental impacts and promoting sustainable practices in agriculture and industry focusing on ample investors attraction.