Oromia’s Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park Welcomes Investors and Boosts Job Opportunities

In a recent development, the CEO of Oromia Industrial Parks Development Corporation, Senait Mebrei, announced that 42 investors have committed to operating within the Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park. The park, situated on 271 hectares of land in the East Shawa Zone, aims to process and supply value-added agricultural products to both domestic and foreign markets.

During a grand visit to the park by higher officials of the from federal and Oromia region, the major investors operating in the park’s manufacturing and construction phase progress given a tour.

The visit aimed to recognize and commend the high level of commitment from private investors who have played a significant role in making the park operational. It also aimed to inspire other industrialists to take proactive steps towards operationalization, especially those investors who have registered in the park but have yet to commence operations.

Moreover, the visit intended to address any obstacles in the support system that require attention and support from the government. Ultimately, the visit was designed to instill confidence in investors who have already made developments toward operationalization.

The presence of these esteemed government officials underscored the importance of industrial development and investment in the region, signaling a promising future for the Bulbula IAIP and its associated industries.

Officials and investors from the Oromia region visited the Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park, witnessing the progress made by TK Industries expected to be inaugurated soon and other companies. Senait Mebrei emphasized that five investors are already operational, processing 11 different types of agricultural products. The remaining 37 investors have signed memoranda of understanding with the Oromia Industrial Parks Development Corporation, signaling their intent to begin operations soon.

Looking ahead, the full operational capacity of all investors is expected to create over 160,000 job opportunities for citizens. The park’s comprehensive approach includes six rural transformation centers under construction in Mekei, Shashemene, Wolenchiti, Bale Robe, Dodola, and Itia. These centers will process a wide range of agro products, including animal products, dairy, fruits and vegetables, poultry, coffee and spices.

The Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park represents a significant step toward economic growth, employment, and sustainable development in the region, fostering collaboration between investors, local communities, and government agencies.