Year: 2022

Delegates from Zambia and Zimbabwe together with COMESA senior experts visited Yirgalem IAIP.

Mr. Memimiru Moke, CEO of Sidama IPDC has shared experiences to the team members. Finally, the delegates thanked UNIDO as organizer of experience sharing event and Sidama IPDC for the best experiences shared. In the mean time, FAO delegates from different Africa countries visited the on going activities in the park. They appreciated input supplying …

Delegates from Zambia and Zimbabwe together with COMESA senior experts visited Yirgalem IAIP. Read More »

Sidama IPDC expressed the gratitude to the stakeholders who contributed to the successful completion of the investment promotion forum held on October 29-2022 GC.

The thanksgiving program was held at the beautiful Wabi Shebele Palace in Wondo Genet woreda . On this program, Chairman of the Board of SIPDC, Dr. Araraso Geremew, the Head of the Press Secretariat Mr. Philipos Nahom, The Sidama Region Investment Commission Mr. Zenebe Legeseh and the staffs from both Regional Investment Commission and SIPDC …

Sidama IPDC expressed the gratitude to the stakeholders who contributed to the successful completion of the investment promotion forum held on October 29-2022 GC. Read More »

More than #106 New Investors applications collected from Yeirgalem Integrated Agriculture Industry Park Investment Forum

The investment promotion event of Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industry park held on October 29/2022 @Haile Resort in Hawassa City. The Sidama National Regional Government President H/E Desta Ledamo, led the forum and delivered his message, as that the regional government is paying attention to the use and development of the region’ s agro potential and …

More than #106 New Investors applications collected from Yeirgalem Integrated Agriculture Industry Park Investment Forum Read More »

Amara Industrial Parks Development Corporation negotiates with sharing bodies on how to do effective promotion work

The Amara Industrial Parks Development Corporation held discussions in bahir dar city on July 8/2014 with the Federal Ministry of Industry, the Ethiopian Investment Commission, Unido and the Amara Regional Industry and Investment Bureau on the possibility of effective processing work to bring potential-rich investors into Burre’s  integrated Agro Industrial Park. Mr. Belsti, director of …

Amara Industrial Parks Development Corporation negotiates with sharing bodies on how to do effective promotion work Read More »

የአማራ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች ልማት ኮርፖሬሽን የ2014 በጀት ዓመት እቅድ አፈጻጸም ገመገመ

የአማራ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች ልማት ኮርፖሬሽን የ2014 በጀት ዓመት እቅድ አፈጻጸም ገመገመ የአማራ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች ልማት ኮርፖሬሽን የ2014 በጀት ዓመት እቅድ አፈጻጸም ሐምሌ 11/2014 ዓ.ም በዳንግላ ከተማ ገምግሟል፡፡ የኮርፖሬሽኑ የእቅድ ዝግጅት ኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጅና ህዝብ ግንኙነት ዳይሬክቶሬት ዳይሬክተር አቶ በልስቲ ወርቁ በበጀት ዓመቱ በቅድመ ዝግጅትና በተግባር ምዕራፍ የተከናወኑ ዋና ዋና ተግባራትና የታዩ ጠንካራና ደካማ ጎኖች እንዲሁም ከመልካም …

የአማራ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች ልማት ኮርፖሬሽን የ2014 በጀት ዓመት እቅድ አፈጻጸም ገመገመ Read More »