
Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industrial Park supplied more than 883 tons of various finished products to the domestic and foreign markets in 9 months.

Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation has reviewed the 2016 fiscal year 9 months plan performance in the park.

Iyasu Nejo (Dr.), Deputy CEO and Head of Operations & Park Administration, said that it is important to evaluate the performance in order to maintain the strengths and correct the weaknesses.

It was noted in the evaluation forum that good results have been recorded regarding the fulfillment of various infrastructures and the construction of Aleta Wondo and Morocho Rural Transformation Centers has been achieved 70% & 67% in sequence. It has been raised that legal are being applied to solve the case of contractors who are not their duties properly.

It was indicated that more than 1 million 302 thousand 7 hundred 39 USD earned from the products supplied to the domestic and foreign markets in nine months.

3 thousand 966 square meters of land was transferred to new enterprises by evicting associations whose cotracts had expired.

Extensive works are being done to support farmers cooperatives and constructive discussions have been held with investors to facilitate the work of the sector, was also explained in the review forum.

It has also been stated that the focus given to administrative and security works played a significant role in the effectiveness of implementation.
