
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) introduced that it would continue to strengthen its support for Integrated Agro-Industry Parks

The heads of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)have visited The Yirgalem Integrated Agro-Industry Park, and it is a long time to remember that the park has been helping with capacity building and materials to reach its current level since its inception.

Mr. Mammiru Moke, CEO of the Sidama Industrial Parks Development Corporation, also provided an article outlining the corporation’s overall work activities and responded to questions raised.

The task force bosses said they were pleased with the work being done in Yirgalem integrated Agro Industry Park.

Mr. Dejene, chief executive of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Agricultural Industry Sector, who was on the visit, said that by deferring agriculture, the country’s coordinated agricultural industry park should continue to be strengthened because of its promising work for both the country’s economic development and youth.

The director also noted that UNIDO will further strengthen its support in the past in all cases where the park needs support.
