

Baeker Integrated Agro-Industrial Park (Baeker IAIP) site is under the jurisdiction of Baeker Town of the Kafta Humera Woreda within the Western administrative zone in the Tigray Region. It is under the Tigray Industrial Park Development Corporation (IPDC).

Baeker IAIP includes water and electrical supply infrastructure, sewage treatment works, roads and storage areas. Quality control and assurance facilities are also included within the park along with support and training facilities. The non-processing area of the site includes a residential area as well as supporting facilities such as a school, places of worship and commercial areas. The park also includes greenery and open spaces, which make up approximately 15% of the total area.

Wiirtuuleen 7 Rural Transformation Centers (RTCs) situated within 100-kilometer radius of the park at Maykadra, Setit-humera, Adigoshu, Adi-hirdi, Maygaba, Dansheha and Shire-Indaselassie. The RTCs are rural development initiatives of the Government of Ethiopia that not only facilitate inclusive rural development, but also serve as a linkage to Baeker IAIP in terms of raw material supply. At the RTCs, agricultural produce is collected, sorted, stored and may undergo primary processing before onward transport. For most farmers, the RTCs are the main point of contact with commercial agricultural value chains.

Madda Odeeffannoo
UNIDO-AICS Cooperation

Operationalization and Sustainability of IAIPs in Ethiopia (OS-IAIP) Project Factsheet

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