
His Excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel, Minster for Ministry of Industry and higher officials of UNIDO and the AU, paid a visit to Yirgalem IAIP
The higher officials of UNIDO and Industry, Trade and tourism commissioner for AU led by his excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel, minister for MoI have visited the park.

Dr Ararso Geremew, BoE for Sidama IPDC and head of Bureau of Finance and Ato Gosaye Godana, Bureau head of Industry warmly welcomed the delegates.

Mr. Hailu Yetera, CEO for Sidama IPDC has presented the operations performance and current status of yirgalem integrated agro industry park.

Besides, the delegates have visited activities of operational factories and progress of infrastructure development supported by Africa Development Bank, EU fund.

After the park visit, his Excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel has conducted a fruitful discussion with all team members, and provided the final remarks with important take aways.       

Finally, the higher officials appreciated the current progress of the park and are confirmed to continue their support in capacity building and other prioritized areas within the framework.
