
Delegates of the German Agency for International Cooperation /GIZ/ visited Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industrial Park.
The visit was aimed at supporting, strengthening and improving the supply chain to enable the agricultural product processing companies located in the park can obtain products in quantity and quality.

Mr. Hailu Yetera, the CEO of Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation, explained to the delegates: the effective tasks that the park has achieved for the past 5 years, & the issues that require the support of the government and other stakeholders as well.

The delegates visited Sunvado Avocado Oil Processing Company; which is a pioneer of the Yirgaalem Integrated Agro-Industrial Park. Answers and explanations were given to the questions raised on the process started to use the byproducts from the company as animal feed and organic fertilizers.

                                                  June 22/2024, Sidama IPDC, Yirgalem
