The Development Bank has announced its support for agro-processors in the Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industry Park!

The Development Bank has announced its support for agro-processors in the Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industry Park. At an investment consultation forum held in Addis Ababa, attended by H.E. Mr. Melaku Alebel and the Sidama regional President H.E. Desta Ledamo, current and prospective investors discussed their needs and challenges. The forum, organized by the Sidama Industrial …

The Development Bank has announced its support for agro-processors in the Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industry Park! Read More »

Oromia’s Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park Welcomes Investors and Boosts Job Opportunities

In a recent development, the CEO of Oromia Industrial Parks Development Corporation, Senait Mebrei, announced that 42 investors have committed to operating within the Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park. The park, situated on 271 hectares of land in the East Shawa Zone, aims to process and supply value-added agricultural products to both domestic and foreign …

Oromia’s Bulbula Integrated Agro Industrial Park Welcomes Investors and Boosts Job Opportunities Read More »

UNIDO Supports Ethiopian Companies at Macfrut Expo in Rimini, Italy

May 10, 2024 – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has facilitated the participation of Ethiopian companies from the Integrated Agro Industrial Parks in Bulbula and Yirgalem to attend the prestigious Macfrut Expo held in Rimini, Italy from May 8 to May 10, 2024. The sponsored companies include YBM Manufacturing PLC, TK Manufacturing and Trading …

UNIDO Supports Ethiopian Companies at Macfrut Expo in Rimini, Italy Read More »

“Showcasing Agro Industry Excellence at Ethiopia Tamirit Expo 2024”

UNIDO has facilitated investors from Sidama and Oromia Integrated Agro Industrial Parks (IAIP) to participate in the Ethiopia Tamirit Expo. The Integrated Agricultural Industry Park is showcasing at the “Ethiopia Tamirt; (Made in Ethiopia)” Expo 2024 at Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa from May 9 to May 13, 2024. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) inaugurated …

“Showcasing Agro Industry Excellence at Ethiopia Tamirit Expo 2024” Read More »

Ms. Aurelia Calabro, UNIDO representative and director, highlighted the benefits of agro-industrial parks in creating linkages to bolster local and international companies

  The inaugural meeting of the first federal project steering committee on the Operationalization and Sustainability of Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks (OS-IAIP) in Ethiopia project – which will mark a significant milestone in the country’s agricultural and industrial sectors – was held on 12 April 2024 at Sheraton Addis. The project is financed through a soft …

Ms. Aurelia Calabro, UNIDO representative and director, highlighted the benefits of agro-industrial parks in creating linkages to bolster local and international companies Read More »

Promotion of Sustainable Ethiopian Agro- Industrial Development (PROSEAD), a multi-stakeholder dialogue involving development partners, convened its quarterly review meeting.

The PROSEAD initiative, short for Promotion of Sustainable Ethiopian Agro-Industrial Development, held its 16th quarterly review meeting in Addis Ababa on March 19, 2024, bringing together various stakeholders and development partners. This multi-stakeholder dialogue aims to foster sustainable agricultural value chains by supporting and maintaining environmentally sound infrastructure development in the Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks (IAIP), …

Promotion of Sustainable Ethiopian Agro- Industrial Development (PROSEAD), a multi-stakeholder dialogue involving development partners, convened its quarterly review meeting. Read More »

Good Agricultural Practices Training for Trainers has been effectively conducted by UNIDO

The Operationalization and Sustainability of Integrated Agro Industrial Parks in Ethiopia Project – funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Ethiopia has successfully concluded a five-day Train-the-Trainers (TOT) program on Good Agricultural practices for Extension Officers and Producers of Fruit and Vegetables (Avocado, Pineapple and Tomato) from 18-22 December 2023 in Adama …

Good Agricultural Practices Training for Trainers has been effectively conducted by UNIDO Read More »

UNIDO provided training on aflatoxin management and control to experts from government agencies

The Operationalization and Sustainability of Integrated Agro Industrial Parks in Ethiopia Project – funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Ethiopia has successfully concluded a five-day Train-the-Trainers (TOT) program on Aflatoxin Management and Control in dairy, livestock feed, and maize from 11-15 December 2023 in Adama with an objective to build the …

UNIDO provided training on aflatoxin management and control to experts from government agencies Read More »