
Yirgalem News

Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation held a joint consultation forum to work with Hawassa University

The corporation held a consultation forum on research works to transform on by-products from agricultural products processing companiesat Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industry Park into valuable products and other related issues. The University’s Vice President and Head of Research Institute Tafese Matewos (Dr.), stated that a goal agreement should be signed regarding joint activities in his …

Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation held a joint consultation forum to work with Hawassa University Read More »

Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation held a joint consultation forum to work with Hawassa University.

The corporation held a consultation forum on research works to transform on by-products from agricultural products processing companies at Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industry Park into valuable products and other related issues. The University’s Vice President and Head of Research Institute Tafese Matewos (Dr.), stated that a goal agreement should be signed regarding joint activities in …

Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation held a joint consultation forum to work with Hawassa University. Read More »

Delegates of the German Agency for International Cooperation /GIZ/ visited Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industrial Park.

The visit was aimed at supporting, strengthening and improving the supply chain to enable the agricultural product processing companies located in the park can obtain products in quantity and quality. Mr. Hailu Yetera, the CEO of Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation, explained to the delegates: the effective tasks that the park has achieved for …

Delegates of the German Agency for International Cooperation /GIZ/ visited Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industrial Park. Read More »

Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industrial Park supplied more than 883 tons of various finished products to the domestic and foreign markets in 9 months.

Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation has reviewed the 2016 fiscal year 9 months plan performance in the park. Iyasu Nejo (Dr.), Deputy CEO and Head of Operations & Park Administration, said that it is important to evaluate the performance in order to maintain the strengths and correct the weaknesses. It was noted in the …

Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industrial Park supplied more than 883 tons of various finished products to the domestic and foreign markets in 9 months. Read More »

A policy discussion forum focused on the challenges faced and opportunities in the implementation of contract farming was held.

The forum was held in collaboration with a partner organization Feed the Future focused on the contract farming implementation, value chain agreement and market system. Chairman of the Board of Sidama Region Industrial Parks Development Corporation and Head of the Regional Finance Bureau Ararso Geremew (D/r) who gave the opening speech said, Yirgalem Integrated Agro …

A policy discussion forum focused on the challenges faced and opportunities in the implementation of contract farming was held. Read More »

His Excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel, Minster for Ministry of Industry and higher officials of UNIDO and the AU, paid a visit to Yirgalem IAIP

The higher officials of UNIDO and Industry, Trade and tourism commissioner for AU led by his excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel, minister for MoI have visited the park. Dr Ararso Geremew, BoE for Sidama IPDC and head of Bureau of Finance and Ato Gosaye Godana, Bureau head of Industry warmly welcomed the delegates. Mr. Hailu Yetera, …

His Excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel, Minster for Ministry of Industry and higher officials of UNIDO and the AU, paid a visit to Yirgalem IAIP Read More »

Sidama Industrial Parks Development Corporation expresses its warmest greetings to all Christians on the occasion of the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Savior Jesus Christ.

 The Corporation oversees the management of Yirgalem Integrated Agricultural Industrial Park, which is situated 40 kilometers away from Hawassa, the capital city of the Sidama region. Within the park, both domestic and foreign investors are actively involved in the processing of various agricultural products, including coffee, honey, fruits and vegetables, grains and spices, as well …

Sidama Industrial Parks Development Corporation expresses its warmest greetings to all Christians on the occasion of the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Savior Jesus Christ. Read More »

Sidama IPDC has been working hard to create job opportunities for Yirgalem IAIP/RTCs’ catchments.

The Sidama IPDC has been creating a wide range of employment opportunities for unemployed youths and women around Yirgalem Integrated Agro Industrial Park and Rural Transformation Centers in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO/BMZ SI Project. In this project, permanent income opportunities created for 368 unemployed youths and women by organizing in …

Sidama IPDC has been working hard to create job opportunities for Yirgalem IAIP/RTCs’ catchments. Read More »

The Agro Industry Steering Committee Conducted 5 months performance evaluation at Yirgalem park

The meeting was chaired by the Board Member of Sidama Industrial Parks Development Corporation Mr. Memru Moke, head of Sidama region Agricultural bureau and Mr.Hailu Yetera, the Chief Executive Officer of Sidama IPDC. The participants were from Sidama region steering Committee members, the development partners and different institutions’ directors. The 5 months performance reports were …

The Agro Industry Steering Committee Conducted 5 months performance evaluation at Yirgalem park Read More »

Sidama IPDC held the 4th round Industry Consultation Day workshop @YIAIP

The Industry Consultation Day Workshop was arranged by Sidama IPDC in collaboration with GIZ Sustainable Training and Education Program (STEP) Agro –III Project on 17 November 2023 in YIAIP. The 4th Round Agro Industry Consultation Day Workshop was executed successfully with the presence of International and local investors, Task Force members of Regional Organizations, colleges’ …

Sidama IPDC held the 4th round Industry Consultation Day workshop @YIAIP Read More »